Red Dog Advisors

ERP Migration Readiness

If you’ve licensed a new ERP and think you’re ready to get started, we’ll help you actually be ready.

There’s much more to an ERP migration than signing a license and having a kickoff meeting. If you and your team aren’t fully prepared, you’re likely to experience delays, additional costs and frustrated team members. In a worst case, your team doesn’t adopt the new systems—leading to production decreases and customer experience issues. This is one of those times where spending money on preparation will end up saving you money.

Readiness means having an architecture plan, a realistic and phased timeline, an honest assessment of your team’s availability and skills, a training plan, and a data migration strategy. It also means healthy communication and active engagement with operational leaders. Having and executing a solid readiness plan before you start your migration project will greatly minimize risks to the business. That’s where we come in.

Be Prepared so Your Go Live Day is Successful

Project Planning

Many will tell you how fast they can get you live. 80% of the time you shouldn’t believe them. Our experience ensures you have a realistic timeline to be successful.

Architecture Planning

Our deep technical background enables us to review your infrastructure plans and roadmap including third party solutions and integrations. Phasing can be considered if “all at once” is too risky.

Team Readiness

One of the most important aspects of any major systems change is how it impacts your people. While user experience is likely to improve, change management must be discussed in addition to training. 

Data Migration Strategy

Your data work should start now! This includes reviewing, scrubbing and cleaning master data such as customers, vendors, and items. It’s also a good time to streamline your chart of accounts. We’ll help you review and get your data ready for a smooth migration.

Ready to get started?

Reach out and let us know where you are in your ERP process. We’ll share how we can help you migrate successfully.